The world will never stop throwing new challenges our way, but from behind the Coronavirus mask, an unseen smile can still be heard!

People used to convey joy with a smile, express sympathy with a downturned lip or invite people in with a welcoming flash of teeth.  Facial coverings are the norm nowadays and with more than half of a face covered, communication is affected, and we seem to struggle expressing ourselves!

Using the mask as a personality statement tool amid the pandemic, bumbagR founder, Ramona Manea, in collaboration with Robert OBERT, one of the most recognizable visual artists in Romania, joined forces to help us bring to life a colorful idea into a grey period.

Decor Floor is delighted to present you its collaboration with bumbagR and OBERT for an exclusive edition masks, as a declaration of urban confidence for the creative spirits and the ones that never miss a change to show their true self. We are not trying to capitalize on the fact that people are scared. Our goal is to encourage them to communicate their feelings when the words are just not enough. Even if the mask is designed to create a barrier that will protect you from the unfavorable environment, you don’t have to build these barriers around you!

Perfect fit, skin-friendly and breathable. The exclusive bumbagR X OBERT X Decor Floor waterproof masks can effectively block moisture from air. The filter element of this mask has 3 layers of protection (non-woven fabric, waterproof fabric, quality cotton) for the safety of yourself and everyone around you.

Mask ON! But don’t mask your emotiONs!