DB Schenker @Hermes Business Campus

Project description:

This office space creates a world where the need to work and the pleasure of living delicious moments blend together creating stimulating and fun workplaces, encouraging communication, engagment and collaboration. Desso and Milliken offered a unique carpet solution that brought the ideal design, color, and performance for this timeless office building in

  • Products:
    Desso Carpet, 5 different collections.
    Milliken Carpet, Nordic Stories & Initio
    Mirage Ceramics, Replain collection
    Atlas Concorde, 3D Wall Blade White Matt
    Gerflor Vinyl
  • Surface: 4.000 sqm
  • Architectural design: 1722 Studio Lab
  • Project Management: NGY Properties Investments
  • Year: 2017



some of our partners that trust us, be sure to be one of them

  • Milliken
  • KAZA